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Friday, February 21, 2014

Woot! Woot! It's Friday!

Hi all! Feel like I keep ignoring this little blog space of mine. I could lie and say I've been busy, but eh that wouldn't be true. Unless you count watching the Olympics being busy!

Let's get to my five from this week:

J surprised me by bringing home roses and strawberry cheesecake from Publix on Valentine's Day. Because of all the extra expenses heading our way, we had agreed to not do anything major but he broke his own rule. :)

I received my Carabox from Jessie. Can't wait to paint my nails with the fun colors she gave me!


I've really been loving watching the Olympics every night. I love that I was able to watch some of the best events live! I'm kind of bummed that the Olympics ends on Sunday. I adore the Winter Olympics. I can watch every event (yes, even curling!). Plus it's just fun!

I went out last night with one of my friends from my old school. It was nice to vent and just catch up with each other!!! Plus this ecard's perfect because we ended up at Chili's!

I don't have a number five, except to say YAY WEEKEND! :)

Where do you go for dinner with friends?
How was your week?

As always, linking up with Lauren!

Thursday, February 13, 2014

Why we work

So I love reading Bonnie and Taylor and when I saw them do this fun link up, I knew I had to join in.

Tomorrow's Valentine's Day and I think it's really fun to look back and see why J and I work. We've been together for 3.5 years now (married for 7 months) and I think we really do complement each other.

So without further adieu... why J and I work:

He's black/white and I'm all about the gray.

He's laidback and I'm dramatic. All about balance right?

We both love sports. We've been perfectly content watching the Olympics.

Speaking of,  he loves to watch curling (which is analytical) and I love figure skating (which is emotional!)

We both love food. Simple as that. :)

We push each other. In a good way. I push him to watch his words and he pushes me to be a little neater (I'm working on it!)

Family's number one. To both of us. Watching him interact with his nieces, always puts a smile on my face.

He watches girly shows with me. Not necessarily because he likes them (except for Total Divas!) but because he likes to be with me. Same reason I'll watch Seinfeld with him.

He lets me get cupcakes for my class. And he comes to read to them.

I laugh at his dirty jokes. In fact, he loves to make me laugh and he loves to find the weirdest ways to make me laugh.

He looks out for my brother.

He's always down for ice cream...even when it's cold and drizzly (hello ice cream sundaes!)

We know how to dig at each other. And while we don't always do that nicely, something good always comes out of it.

We're both stubborn but end up figuring out someway to compromise. With both of us being Cancers...that can be tough.

We share a birthday!

Simple. Because despite the fact that we are too of the most stubborn people EVER, we try our hardest everyday to make each other happy. And sometimes that scale can be tilted in one way, we try our best to make sure it tilts the other way.
Happy Valentine's Day!