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Saturday, June 30, 2012

Date Night in a Jar

J and I can be very indecisive at times. It'll be Friday night (our typical date night) and neither one of us can come up with anything to do. So a few weeks ago, I hit up Pinterest in the hopes of finding ideas for us. I came across this awesome idea from Life in the Greenhouse:

Basically it's a jar with different colored sticks. The different colors stand for different date categories. She even gives you interesting ideas for the sticks.

I went last week to Michael's and got all of the supplies:

I changed the colors to some of my favorite ones. They're also less girly, which is a good thing because this jar will be staying at J's place. :)

Even though I bought the supplies las tweek, I just haven't had the time to complete the jar. That will be today's focus. COMPLETE THE DATE JAR! I'll post pictures when I'm done.

How do you and your sweetie come up with date night ideas?


  1. Oooh... I love this idea. I need to do this! Colon and I are pretty indecisive too!

    Xo Lourdes

  2. Hey there! I was nominated for a Versatile Blogger Award and I passed it on to you! Check it out at

    Sorry if this seems spammy but it is a really cute thing!!



Thanks for leaving me some love!